
Support for entities posting workers

Posting Polish workers to work abroad is a very specific issue that requires specialist knowledge, good knowledge of Polish and foreign regulations as well as experience in this trade.

Eproco has practical knowledge

Our company is familiar with the issues of posting workers, as we have ourselves been involved in this kind of activity for several years of the existence of our brand, by running, apart from our accountancy office, a care agency in German-speaking countries. This experience has allowed us to gather practical knowledge in this specific line of business, thanks to which we can now offer comprehensive services for other companies providing similar services. 

HR, payroll and administration services

Posting workers to work abroad requires preparation of appropriate documentation. Our office applies, among other things, to the Social Insurance Institution for A1 forms for seconded employees, as well as to the National Health Fund for European Health Insurance Cards necessary to use medical services in the EU. However, this is just the beginning - an employee working abroad requires different remuneration settlements than a regular employee in Poland. There are many issues to consider with respect to this matter, which is why not every accounting office is able to provide your company with proper services, especially since it often involves contacting foreign tax authorities.

Inspections and administrative disputes

This specific trade of posting workers is associated with increased vigilance on part of tax authorities - both those in Poland and abroad. Inspections of companies posting workers is an everyday life that requires specialist knowledge. The lack of such knowledge presented by both companies and people inspecting those companies leads to numerous disputes with state authorities. Eproco has many-year experience in this area, and our lawyers have already defended our clients many times in administrative courts. Few offices are able to guarantee your company such comprehensive services and protection.

Organization of your business

Posting workers and, more precisely, the imprecision of legal regulations, including constantly changing guidelines and procedures, make this activity hazardous. However, there are ways to provide you with greater freedom of operations and to secure your private property through the proper organization of your company. Eproco can help you to create an appropriate organization for your company that will suite your needs.

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