Ostrów Wielkopolski
Registration and transformation of partnerships and companies
Selection of the right company
Company registration
Our office will also help you if you want to introduce changes in your company. Perhaps you need to change provisions of your contracts or you need help to change members of the management board or the composition of the shareholders. Eproco will help you to implement these changes.
Company transformation
It is more and more common that a company once selected ceases to be the right one. Your company is too large and it starts limiting you. Perhaps you want to increase your safety, because the assets you have already earned are too valuable to risk losing them in case of financial problems of your company. Another reason may be the desire that your family join the company or to transfer powers to the next generation. Such goals often require that your company be transformed. It is a complicated process that requires not only accounting or legal knowledge; thus, it is best to entrust it to a team with experience. Eproco will help you to choose the best structure for your company and will prepare all documents for you in this regard.
Other changes in companies
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