Biuro rachunkowe
Ostrów Wielkopolski
Ostrów Wielkopolski
Outsourcing of office services
Handling office issues takes a lot of time in each company, and many activities are fixed and repeatable. Not every activity requires your personal involvement, and they can be done for you. In order to meet your expectations, Eproco can help you in performing these activities without the need to hire another employee in your company, which would generate additional costs for you.
Payment of remuneration and invoices
As an accountancy office, we have data on your payments, and by calculating remuneration for employees, we obtain all data necessary to make transfers to your employees' bank accounts. We can prepare "transfer packages" for you, which just need to be imported to your bank account and sent (this will limit your time needed for introducing every transfer in the bank account). You can also give us access to an additional bank account that we can use to make payments on your behalf without involving your time. Each of the employees or contracting parties can receive a transfer on time, and you do not need to remember about it. The terms and form of our service can be freely adjusted to your needs.
Payroll information in line with the GDPR
One of problems relating to the protection of personal data faced by every enterprise is protection of information on amounts of employees' wages and salaries. If you do not want information about remuneration of individual employees to circulate around your company or you are afraid that employees will have access to the entire payroll, then transferring payments of wages and salaries to Eproco is an ideal solution for your company. Remuneration will be credited to bank accounts of employees in a timely manner, and your company will not risk a leakage of such information, because the entire process will be carried out by our accountancy office. Therefore, your company will act in accordance with the GDPR guidelines, as you will eliminate the risk of breaching data protection laws and regulations.
Administration and office services
Do you regularly perform the same activities? Do you prepare different summaries for your clients or different institutions every month? Or maybe you always need to update something with authorities? We can carry out these activities on your behalf. Obviously, as your accountancy office, we have most of necessary information and we can prepare appropriate documents for you. It will be at your discretion whether ready documents should be sent to you for your signature or whether we should carry out all necessary activities for you based on a power of attorney granted to us. Think how much time you can save this way.
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