
Human Resources (HR) and Payroll

Hiring employees in a company involves numerous responsibilities on part of the employer, and for the entrepreneur, it is often not easy to keep up with the constantly changing labour laws and regulations and other legal instruments. Moreover, keeping your own HR and payroll department constitutes rather a large expense for your company, so using services of an accountancy office allows your company to fulfil all the employer's obligations and reduce costs of ongoing operations.

Knowledge that requires specialization

Eproco knows that accounting matters and HR and payroll matters are completely different issues, which is why in our accountancy office, there is a separate HR and payroll department including only people who specialize in those issues. At present, Eproco employs 10 specialists in the field of human resources and payrolls; thanks to this, each client is supported by our office has 2 assistants - one from the accounting department and one from the HR and payroll department.

We offer provided to our clients includes, among other things:

  • preparing and maintaining HR documentation and personal files of employees,
  • carrying out settlements with employees and preparing annual tax returns,
  • carrying out settlements with the Tax Office and the Social Insurance Institution,
  • representing the company before administration authorities and the Social Insurance Institution,
  • applying to the Social Insurance Institution for A1 forms for seconded employees,
  • applying to the National Health Fund for European Health Insurance Cards necessary to use medical services in the EU.

Hiring Ukrainians

Eproco helps to hire Ukrainians in Poland, so if you need to hire new employees, our accountancy office will help you with formal issues, from a permit to work in Poland to settlements of hired employees.

Support for entities posting workers

Our accountancy office specializes in providing services to companies that post their employees to work abroad, in particular, in Germany. We have many years of experience in settling employees working abroad and we have knowledge in the field of obtaining all documents necessary to ensure that the work abroad is fully legal. For more information on this subject, please refer to the subpage posting workers.

Handling payments

Do you want to limit your duties or ensure the full remuneration secrecy in your company? Eproco can pay wages and salaries to your employees from your bank account, thanks to which no sensitive information will circulate in your company and there will be no breach of personal data protection regulations. For more information on this subject, please refer to the subpage outsourcing of office services.

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